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Pro-life and Pro-family

I concur with and appreciate our Cache GOP Platform which reminds us that: "The family is the fundamental institution and strength of our society." I am pro-life and pro-family, and as a state legislator, always support legislation that protects both.

I am honored to be recognized as a Parental Rights Champion by Utah Parents United.

Public Education

The State Legislature plays a pivotal role in shaping public education policies and initiatives across the state. As your State Representative it’s been a privilege to play a role in some of the most significant and substantive efforts including creation of the Utah Fits All Scholarship. During the 2024 session we worked to improve teacher retention and recruitment by increasing funding for classroom supplies and providing teachers with alternative evaluation processes, optional paid training opportunities, paid maternity leave, increased salary options, and stipends for student teachers. 

Reliable, Dispatchable, and Affordable Energy

As a member of the House Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee, I've seen firsthand that Utah is blessed with a rich array of energy resources, including substantial reserves of coal, natural gas, and oil, as well as significant potential in sources like oil shale and tar sands. Geothermal and nuclear energy also show great promise. I will continue to support legislation that ensures Utahns will continue to have reliable dispatchable, and affordable energy.

Water Conservation

As a lifelong resident I've grown up knowing that Utah is the  second driest state in the nation. The scarcity of water resources poses challenges for agriculture, urban development, and natural ecosystems, necessitating careful water management and conservation efforts. I support legislation that acknowledges those constraints while also protecting the rights of individual Utahns. 

Taxes and Other Fees

The Legislature has reduced taxes by $1.3 billion during my tenure. The Cache County GOP Platform reminds us that "The combined burden and complexity of Federal, state, and local taxes are too severe. Republicans support tax reforms at each level, including reducing tax rates, simplifying tax rules and reports." 

Caucus Convention vs Signatures

REALTOR(R) Ballot Initiative Signature Gathering Effort Under WayDelegates are tasked with researching candidates to determine who will represent them best and should appear on the primary election ballot. I believe the caucus/convention system is the most fail safe  way for Utah citizens to have the best candidates appear on the ballot. Candidates who gather signatures bypass the research and representation elements of the caucus system. Candidates who gather signatures lack faith in the delegates and our representative form of government.

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Re-elect Mike Petersen
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